Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bad Bad Girls....

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The girls "were" watching Ni Hao Kai Lan Friday night and I was in the dining room working on some things when Scott came home and asked what the girls were fussing about. I replied I didn't hear a thing, had blocked it out begging for 10 minutes without them hanging on me. Scott went in the kitchen and quietly asked me to come in the kitchen and look at the girls. Oh my the sight we saw! Hannah had gotten up on the bar and got the diaper rash cream down and "shared" it with her sister. It was everywhere and all over Makenna. I was so worried about the cream being in her mouth that Makenna went directly to the bathtub without pictures. Hannah only had it on her hands. I had to take a scraper and just like putty, scrape it off the coffee table then use grease cutting 409 and a tooth brush to get it all out. Scott worked on the carpet and after 40 minutes or so we had it cleaned up.
We are hoping we instilled in Hannah to NEVER do that again. We'll see. When we asked why she did that she said "I just had to".
All this just confirms that yes, we are too old for toddlers........

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